Friday, February 26, 2010

Thank you Nebraska.....

....for the super cool postcard! :)

We only need FOUR more postcards to complete our 50 state postcard exchange! Can you help? We still need:
  1. Delaware
  2. Mississippi
  3. Oklahoma
  4. South Dakota
Thanks everyone!


  1. I will try to get you a SD one soon! I'm from there but am still up in Grand Forks, ND. I'll keep checking back to see if you have gotten one before I get one sent off. :)

  2. That is such a cool postcard! I have always loved collecting postcards!

    I stopped by to welcome you to SITS! It's great to have you in the SITStahood!

  3. Hmmmm, do I REALLY need to welcome you to SITS? It's about time you joined girl...haha This is your official welcome to the SITStahood comment from me :)

  4. Sorry I can't be of help with the postcards.

    Wanted to stop by and say "hi" and welcome to SITS. I know that you will enjoy being a part of this vibrant community of bloggers :-)

  5. Your postcard exchange sounds like a lovely idea - unfortunately I'm not in any of those states (I'm actually all the way across the pond in England).

    Visiting from SITS to welcome you on board :)

  6. This is such a need idea! My family and I used to check off license plates on long road trips. This is a cool version of that game. I wish I lived in a state that you didn't have already :( I do have a friend from DE, though, I'll see what she can do!

    Stopping by from SITS to welcome you. Let me know if you have any questions on how it works!


  7. That's really cool! Sorry I can't help finish off your goal.

    Stopping by from SITS!

  8. Stopping by from SITS to say welcome to the fold!

    I wish I had one to trade with you!

  9. Ooooh! Sounds like a fun hobby! Can't help though, I'm from Jersey. Good luck and welcome to SITS!!

  10. How neat! I did a christmas card exchange one year and got cards from all over the world. It was incredible!

    Stopping by to say Welcome to SITS! Nice to meet you!

    Sarah Ruth

  11. Welcome from SITS!

    Can't help you out with the postcards though!

  12. I hope you get your last 4 postcards! That's a cool one from Nebraska.

    Stopping by from SITS! Welcome!

    Cheers :-)
    - CoconutPalmDesigns

  13. What a cool postcard! Oooooh shiiiinyyy! If I had a postcard from any of those places I'd totally help you out :( Anyway, welcome to SITS!

  14. Hi =)

    Never heard of a postcard exchange the things we learn while blogging, sounds like a very cool idea.

    Welcome to SITS

    (Wish you luck in finding those last few postcards)

    Much Luv,

  15. Oooohhh, my hubby is going to SD for business in a couple weeks, I'll have him grab you one!

    What an awesome idea!

    Stopping by from SITS, welcome to the fun!!!!

    xoxo, Kisha

  16. Stopping by from SITS to welcome you to the community! Glad you joined!

  17. Just stopping by to welcome you to SITS! We hope you are loving out little part of the blog world.

    I can't believe how many postcards you have managed to collect. That is awesome. Good luck on getting those last 4!

  18. How about Quebec City...when you start Canada let me know. Fun idea.

    WELCOME to SITS! It's great to have a new SITSer. Bonus, I'm hosting a giveaway for NEW sunglasses. Like most, yours are lost or bent...come on over.

  19. What a cool exchange idea!!

    I am stopping by from SITs to say welcome to the party:-)

  20. Thanks so cool. I really want to get involve in something like the sock exchange for example. I would love to get stuff from other countries

    Stopping by from SITS to say welcome

  21. Very cute - what a fun project! Stopping by from SITS :)


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