Thursday, March 4, 2010

Etsy? Not Quite Yet......

Did I open my Etsy shop?

No. Not yet. Maybe not ever? I don't know. There is never enough time to do all the sewing I want to do....but I have been getting some sewing done.

Soon after Momo's birthday party ended I was given the opportunity to be a tester for a pattern designer. Since the pattern is now under going some modifications I can't really go into details about it but after it's debut I will post some pictures! The dress turned out really cute and it was such a great experience to be a part of the process!

Immediately after making the test dress I then began making the Mother's Little Helper Reversible Apron that I was giving away on my blog. I wasn't kidding when I said it would be hot off the machine! When that one was done I started on another - this time for my daughter's school for their Spring Fling celebration. Not sure if they will sell it at their Country Store or put it in the silent auction. Either way I'm happy that I was able to donate something (besides my time - wait a minute. Sewing DOES take time!)

I'm really happy with the way this one turned out - especially since I'm quite fond of the fabric!

(Slipping off her hips......)

And did you notice in the first picture - I managed to sew one of my labels into the pocket! I'm a little tickled about it!

Duty calls. Will update next about the postcard exchange!


  1. LOVE the fabric!!!! Stop by the blog and see my feature post, follow the link, you were mentioned :) Kisses

  2. I agree! The fabric is beautiful. I am so excited!

    I hope you will find the time you need to open your store. It is so hard to find the time.

  3. SO CUTE! I wish I knew how to make things like you do, your awesome!

  4. These are adorable, you should definitely open up shop!

  5. So cute. I wish I had a girl. I'm very jealous.

  6. Where did you get your labels from (the ones you sewed on your apron)? They are adorable...and the apron too.

  7. Where did you get your labels from (the ones you sewed on your apron)? They are adorable...and the apron too.

  8. Your labels are cute! Good luck getting your etsy store up and running - I know where your coming from! :o)


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