Is he not the cutest thing ever?!? And the hooded beach towel fit him perfectly! :)
Happy summer everyone!
Once you have completed the mandatory entry you can earn more chances to win! Please leave a separate comment for each:
1) Become a follower of my blog. Already a follower? Just let me know!
2) Follow me on Twitter AND Tweet about this giveaway. You can Tweet once a day. Leave me a link to your Tweet! Here's some can Tweet this:
Enter to win a mermaid towel via "Mama's a Mess!" Contest ends 5/20
3) Earn FIVE extra entries by blogging about this giveaway! Post about it on your blog and link back to this thread. Let me know where to find it on your blog! Be sure to comment five extra times for five extra chances to win!
Contest is open to US & Canada residents only (sorry International friends!) One winner will be chosen via at midnight Eastern Standard Time on Thursday, May 20th. Winner will be announced here on this blog as well as be sent an email notification. Response is required within 48 hours or a new winner will be selected.
Thank you to Sew, Mama, Sew! for the opportunity to participate in this incredible blog party! Check out the grand list of giveaways here!