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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Happy Hapa in a Magazine!

Months ago I received an email asking if I would like to have "Happy Hapa" featured in a local magazine. 

Whaaaat? MY Happy Hapa? Seriously? 

Apparently the magazine was looking to showcase handmade baby/children items made by Hawaii artists. The email was intriguing but I didn't think it was real. I mean, with all the shops in Hawaii, why mine? (I know! I know! Why NOT mine?) 

After doing a little bit of research I came to the realization that everything was legit! How could I say "no"? I absolutely, undeniably HAD to SEIZE the opportunity!

The first step was to answer some interview questions. Not surprising I spent way too much time over-thinking every single one of them. Next I had to decide which pictures to submit (again...overly obsessed). At this point only my family and a few friends knew anything about what was going on. I was afraid if I made it public I would jinx myself and the whole thing wouldn't happen. 

Then I crossed my fingers and waited.

And waited.

And waited. 

That is until my girlfriend, Maureen called to tell me she spotted the new issue and that Happy Hapa and Momo were in it! Here's the magazine:

And here's the "mention" with a picture of Momo (upper right) wearing the "Rock Skirt" that I made!

NO WAY!!! (YES WAY!!!)

I didn't even notice that another Happy Hapa creation was in the back of the magazine until Maureen messaged me (Thanks Maureen!!!)

I honestly didn't know which picture(s) was going to be selected for the article so you can imagine my delight when I saw Momo in the magazine. What was her reaction to seeing for the first time?

"That is weird."

But maybe to a 4-year old "weird" means "cool?" Because she seems okay here:

I am super stoked about the whole thing! It's amazing how seeing one picture and two little words ("Happy Hapa")in a magazine can brighten up your day! :)

Thanks so much to Sascha from "Where Oahu" magazine for the opportunity! :)


  1. So freakin awesome and very thrilled for you!!! Your first (of many) publications...wahooo!!!!

  2. That is so cool! Momo is ADORABLE as your model. So glad all of Oahu can see your talent. So happy for you!! Hugs :-)

  3. Congratulations! So happy for you :)


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